Sunday, May 23, 2010

Applying For Jobs Online Realistic? Who Knows....

     Although I believe that sites like these were all made with good intentions, I believe that most of them are bogus. I have handed in at least 100 applications on these types of sites, and have yet even had a courtesy interview with the applications that I have handed in. I have been a professional Senior Buyer for a major Fortune 500 Company, and was a buyer there for almost 30 years. With all these years of experience and education, you would think that I would be a shoe in. I have handed in countless of resumes complete with cover letters and have yet to get a response other than that of rejection e-mails from most of the ones that I have handed in or have simply not heard from them about my applications at all. What kind of companies are being represented at the Jobing sites anyway? Are you or anybody you know having the same problem that I am? If so, how long have you been applying for jobs on these sites? How many rejections have you had? How many interviews, or "We regret to inform you, that at this time we are not currently hiring for this position within our company". I call these "Dear John" letters.

     I started thinking how great it used to be when you could actually go and meet someone face to face, fill out your application right there at the job, and be interviewed on the same day. You could hone your skills at selling your expertise and yourself to  the interviewer. It gave you the chance to hone your skills at job negotiations, and also gives the interviewer a chance to meet not only you and who you are as a person, but also meet your persona and good personality. I am 63 years of age, and I was meant to work. When I hand in a application, I feel that all the interviewer or "Human Resource Person" sees is my age. They don't see that you look fit, and also that you still look like your in your forties. All they see is the number "63". Wow, he's old (I'm sure is what they think).

     How does one know if there is discrimination in this process? How is this controlled on the Internet. Who is ensuring that discrimination is not happening? Who do we contact to ask? That is the bad thing about a "faceless application", they are only seeing "63" on a piece of paper, my resume. I feel that they cannot get pass the "63", I'm sure once they see that number, they don't even look at the experience and longevity that I have invested in my career. The only responses that I get from is the ones you don't want. i.e. Insurance Sales, where they want you to invest in a license, and sell insurance which they get a certain percentage of your sales!

     I have even received illegal offers of employment for example to receive checks from supposed legitimate American companies that I would have to cash via Western Union, and send "the employer" a certain amount, and keep a certain percentage for myself which we all know that if you have to send it to Africa, England, Canada, or Jumungi, you know it's a scam. So, long story short, for two years I have wasted my time trying to get a job through and, These sites list jobs, but it appears no one is hiring! If you, or a friend that you know is having problems with these types of sites, I would love to hear about it. Drop me a line, I would love to know if I am the only one, or if this is commonplace among these sites

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